Circuit Bending w/ JanedaPain
Yesterdays toys and discarded electronics are hacked, modified, and
'bent' (act of random short-circuiting) into low-voltage battery powered musical instruments. Experimental re-appropriated lo-fi, antique digital items for manipulation during live performances. This class explores the theory and practice of circuit bending, while challenging the students to create their own circuit bent toys to use in sound art or performance. Students learn basic electronics skills while gaining practical experience in 'Do it Yourself' (DIY) culture.
Sign up by sending an email to Limited to 10 people, reserve your space soon!
additional class info:
Youth Circuit Bending courses this summer at Science Discovery in
JanedaPain aka Jane Crayton
Is a multi talented independent new media and audio/visual artist
working with interactive experimental art and collage. She uses the
latest in technology for unique events, galleries and museums,
bringing her audio/visual art alive. Her audio is loud and noiseE, her
visuals are potently surprising and mind altering.
She tailors each show to match the style and collaboration of the
artist she is working with.
Jane currently shoots and creates original video and animation content
for individual artist and music productions. She also utilizes
experimental mediums like surveillance cameras, circuit bent
electronics, and custom midi-triggering for interactive installations.
When collaborating with local musicians, she works with mind puzzling
sound and reactive visual installations, manipulating live video of
performances and creating custom projection surfaces and screens, all
of which brings the audience a unique view of electronic music
Jane also works in net_art creating unique interactive art pieces that
engage the online user. Often her work depicts a piece of her history,
using her poetry and diary entries as source material. She has
indicated an interest in documenting her self and changing her digital
identity into one she can maintain control. Jane likes to push
boundaries, question reality, address social and environmental issues
and create a little bit of controversy hence the name JanedaPain. Her
focus is STEM-A (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
through Art) where she focuses much of her time to experimental
educational public outreach projects for STEM-A and New Media.
Jane is also an active volunteer, she has a strong sense of community
and volunteers in the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, Space
Odyssey and Gates Planetarium as a visual artist. She has helped bring
experimental arts to Denver by initiation of the dorkbot303 chapter,
and she participates in experimental electronic art through BurningMan
and local gallery events.